The Study “Assessing the potential for crowdfunding and other forms of alternative finance to support research and innovation” was initiated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG RTD) in December 2015.
Open Evidence together with EY, the European Crowdfunding Network (ECN) and Politecnico di Milano are investigating how crowdfunding and other forms of alternative finance could support research and innovation (R&I).
The study, aimed at delivering thorough, holistic picture on the potential of CF to improve access to risk finance in the EU for, in particular SMEs and midcaps, revolves around three main objectives:
To quantify and qualify the potential of alternative finance in Europe with regard to research and innovation;
To identify the key bottlenecks to realize this potential; and
To recommend actions in overcome these challenges.
You can find the recenty publishedfull report here.
Or read the Exacutive Summary here.