creative industries

The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor is a new tool to monitor and assess the performance of 'Cultural and Creative Cities' in Europe vis-à-vis their peers using both quantitative and qualitative data.

The quantitative information is captured in 29 indicators relevant to nine dimensions reflecting three major facetsof the cultural, social and economic vitality of cities:

In October 2014 we ran a crowdfunding campaign to fund the minimum amount of development time needed to deliver our new artistic app Karen.

Thanks to our incredible audiences, old and new, we successfully hit our target.

"We learnt a lot from this experience and wanted to try to squeeze it all into a guide that would help people who are about to embark on a similar endeavour."

Kreativwirtschaft Austria is part of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and its main goal is to promote the interests of creative industries within Austria and raise public awareness regarding what this sector can provide as creative solutions. 

KAT provides extensive services to creative entrepreneurs, encourages their economic success and their cross-sector communication. Creative industries are considered as a factor of growth and innovation in Austria, hence the need to create good conditions around their activity. 

ASTER is the Consortium among the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government and regional education research and business actors (universities, reserach centers, union of the chambers of commerce). 

Some twenty researchers in Social-media-1076762_1920human and social sciences, mostly from the information and communication sciences, from CEMTI (University of Paris 8), CREM (University of Lorraine), and international researchers, are currently studying the phenomena of Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding in the cultural field in France, the United States, Latin America and Africa.

Culture Agora, a free-accessible wiki platform dedicated to arts, culture and creative industries, is one of the largest long-term sustainable projects managed by CUMEDIAE, Culture and Media Agency Europe. Culture Agora is a premium, easy-to-use, online meeting place for cultural organizations, professionals and many others interested in the arts and the creative sector.

The internet offers digital spaces that can connect creators and service or content providers with consumers, and with new work, business or financing possibilities. In the sphere of arts and culture, this offers new opportunities for fundraising for events and projects, and for developing collaborative projects among artists, sometimes with public participation. Press read more and find out what the view of the European Parliament is on crowdfunding and crowdsourcing for the cultural and creative industries in Europe.

Free online class on crowdfunding 4 film from US based platform Seed & Spark. Advice is relevant for all types of film makers all over the world.

Find European platforms focused on film on Crowdfunding4Culture's website here.

This guide will not solve all your problems related to funding your projects, whether related to touring, collaboration, co-production, research, training, residencies etc.
This online guide will instead introduce you to several online information platforms or funding opportunities which may help current or future projects and initiatives with
European or international dimensions. 

The Flemish Heritage Library has developed an online toolbox for crowdfunding in the cultural sector. Everyone considering crowdfunden can quickly and easily get started with this guide.


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