This European level ecosystem provides an online and onsite environment, building on and interconnecting existing local ecosystems, hubs and initiatives, in order to setup a runway for web entrepreneurs to start and scaleup a business in Europe and grow internationally. This will help web-entrepreneurs to develop and scale up their ideas and businesses, from a business international validation phase, to internationalization, access to finance and to business growth, thus complementing the service offer currently made available at local ecosystems level.
Funding schemes
This guide will not solve all your problems related to funding your projects, whether related to touring, collaboration, co-production, research, training, residencies etc.
This online guide will instead introduce you to several online information platforms or funding opportunities which may help current or future projects and initiatives with
European or international dimensions.
Like all OMC reports, this report has several target groups. First and foremost, the report targets political decision makers at European, national, and sub-national level. It also targets financiers, CCS companies and professionals, and others interested in CCS financing. The report’s objective is to inspire investors to explore the obvious investment opportunities that creative SMEs offer by further deepening the target groups’ understanding of specific issues related to CCS financing; in particular where there are gaps or bottlenecks in the financial ecosystem.